N. 1 brick madonna with child 21x9 Bartoccini - ref. 109 Wall Arch Front - photos 929
N. 1 brick St. Francis 18x18 Mari - ref. 110 Wall Arch Front - photos 930
N. 1 Oval brick 25x42 valdemone - ref. 119 Side Wall Arch - 940 photos
N. 2 mattonellina 10x10 valdemone - ref. 125 Side Wall Arch - 947 photos
N. 1 brick circle with angels 28x38 valdemone - ref. 152 Left Side Wall - Shelf 8 - 974 photos
N. 4 tiles 15x15 valdemone - ref. 170 Left Side Wall - Shelf 8 - 991 photos
N. 1 media 15x15cm tile innocenzi - ref. 212 Left Side Wall - Shelves 6 - photo 1026
N. 2 mattonellina 10x10cm innocenzi - ref. 214 Left Side Wall - Shelves 6 - photo 1028
N. 1 octagonal tile length 25cm innocenzi - ref. 217 Left Side Wall - Shelves 6 - photo 1031
N. 2 tile 10x10 innocenzi - ref. 235 Left Side Wall - 5 Shelf - photo 1049
N. 2 octagonal tiles with sirens 24 innocenzi length - ref. 239 Left Side Wall - 5 Shelf - photo 1053
N. 2 square 12x12 mattonelline camala - ref. 306 Left Side Wall - Shelf 3 - photo 1119
Server time Sat 22/03/2025 at 13:06 | Europe/Rome
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