Industrial building in Nocera Umbra (PG), Vocabolo Case Basse - LOT 1
The building is registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Nocera Umbra at sheet 112:
Parcel 44 - Sub 3 - Category D/7 - Cadastral Rent € 804,12
The shed is located in Vocabolo Case Basse in the City of Nocera Umbra, of rectangular form, it develops an area of 566 square meters with a courtyard of 1,270 square meters.
The shed is made of a metal structure with a two pitch roof, internally there is a small office has been built with a bathroom and antebathroom, the flooring is of the industrial type and there are two vehicular doors.
The building is in a normal conservative state.
On the front part of the property there are some undeclared metal artifacts that will have to be dismantled.
For further information consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.
Area: 566 sqm