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Serverový čas Thu 27/02/2025 čas 11:00 | Europe/Rome

Various and Work Equipment

Licitace 83

Aukce n.9165

Různé > Pracovní zařízení

  • Various and Work Equipment 1
  • Various and Work Equipment 2
  • Various and Work Equipment 3
  • Various and Work Equipment 4
  • Various and Work Equipment 5
  • Various and Work Equipment 6
  • + fotografie
  • Popis

The lot includes:

n. 1 lot consisting of various elements of thermoregulators, n. 1 eight-module thermoregulator, n. 1 thermoregulator with thirteen modules - ref. 150
n. 1 lot consisting of engines, pipes for hydraulic oil, elements of labeling systems and various components - ref. 215
n. 1 office box measuring 8x4 meters on two sides provided with two compartments with windowed surface and with a wall with an access door - ref. 247
n. 1 ABC storage tank with a flow rate of 3000 liters year 1981 - ref. 203
n. 1 FRIGOSYSTEM refrigeration unit Mod. RACA / E1202 FREE COOLING matr. 2919/20 year 1993 (of doubtful functioning), n. 1 prefabricated box measuring 7x2.4 meters with 4 FRIGOSYSTEM control panels, n. 2 evaporative towers with various pipes, n. 2 FRIGOSYSTEM refrigeration units, various connection pipes, n. 1 water storage and recovery tank - ref. 270

the lot does not include shelving

- goods located in Via Croce -


Položka pozastavena pro

Cena rezervace

Minimální nabídka € 100,00

Prémie kupujícího 10,00 %

Vratná záloha: € 1.500,00

Příslušné správní poplatky € 75,00

DPH na lóži 22,00 %pokud je to možné


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