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Serverový čas Fri 14/03/2025 čas 11:08 | Europe/Rome

Warehouse Equipment and Shelving

Licitace 9

Aukce n.13669

Různé > Pracovní zařízení

  • Warehouse Equipment and Shelving 1
  • Warehouse Equipment and Shelving 2
  • Warehouse Equipment and Shelving 3
  • Warehouse Equipment and Shelving 4
  • Warehouse Equipment and Shelving 5
  • Warehouse Equipment and Shelving 6
  • + fotografie
  • Popis

Lot of equipment and shelving: includes all the equipment, tools and furniture present in the warehouse of the Venue, as well as an air conditioner with split which is located in the warehouse.
The lot also includes a manual transpallet.

It does not include the musical equipment present in the warehouse

It is advisable to make a vision to verify the material and quantities.


Položka pozastavena pro

Cena rezervace

Minimální nabídka € 50,00

Prémie kupujícího 5,00 %

Vratná záloha: € 400,00

Příslušné správní poplatky € 250,00

DPH na lóži 21,00 %pokud je to možné


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