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Serverový čas Thu 13/03/2025 čas 00:04 | Europe/Rome

Furniture Bar - Restaurant

Licitace 25

Aukce n.13057

Potraviny a stravování > Nábytek pro gastronomii

  • Furniture Bar - Restaurant 1
  • Furniture Bar - Restaurant 2
  • Furniture Bar - Restaurant 3
  • Furniture Bar - Restaurant 4
  • Furniture Bar - Restaurant 5
  • Furniture Bar - Restaurant 6
  • + fotografie
  • Popis

The lot includes:

Silestone counter
Loft Bc Tables 80x80 and 120x80 (18 small and 11 large tables)
Town chairs (75 green and 30 brown)
Tables Four Alta Bc 60x60 (4 units)
Attic stools (20 units)
Auxiliary melamine furniture and shelving
Melamine display cabinet with glass door
Various Tables and Chairs
Children's area furniture (mini kitchen, table, stools, carpet, accessories)
5 separators
Oval table

It could happen that some elements are not present. It is advisable to carry out a vision to verify the condition and quantities of the goods.


Položka pozastavena pro

Cena rezervace

Minimální nabídka € 250,00

Prémie kupujícího 10,00 %

Vratná záloha: € 500,00

Příslušné správní poplatky € 710,00

DPH na lóži 21,00 %pokud je to možné


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