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Serverový čas Thu 13/03/2025 čas 16:59 | Europe/Rome

Inverters and Solar Panels

Licitace 2

Aukce n.9315

Různé > Úprava vzduchu - Kapaliny

  • Inverters and Solar Panels 1
  • Inverters and Solar Panels 2
  • Inverters and Solar Panels 3
  • Inverters and Solar Panels 4
  • Inverters and Solar Panels 5
  • Inverters and Solar Panels 6
  • + fotografie
  • Popis

The lot includes:

n.2 INGECON 90 Inverter
1 report / monitoring kit
n.25 Sunlink (0.23)
n.16 LDK (0.23)
n.6 LDK 270 (0.27)
n.5 SHARP 128
n.3 GSS (TRIOSOLAR 235) (0.235)
n.1 LDK 235 (0.235)
n.1 Abakus (0.23)
n.1 SILIKEN 205
n. 4 GPRS + serial mounting kit
n.1 telopvc 100 mq - ref. 100

The quantity shown may be subject to change, viewing is recommended


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