Gestor delle Vendite Telematiche e Sito de Pubblicità autorizzà dal Ministero de la Giustizia

Ora del server gio 12/12/2024 ore 01:25 | Europe/Rome

N. 1 Ocma Gantry Crane

Lotto 50

Asta n.11456

Edilizia > Gru

  • N. 1 Ocma Gantry Crane 1
  • N. 1 Ocma Gantry Crane 2
  • N. 1 Ocma Gantry Crane 3
  • N. 1 Ocma Gantry Crane 4
  • N. 1 Ocma Gantry Crane 5
  • N. 1 Ocma Gantry Crane 6
  • + foto
  • Descrision

Double girder gantry crane OCMA matr. 1871 year 2017, waiting for the first inspection by the competent body, capacity 50 tons, gauge 34000 mm, revision and new certification of already OMBA cranes - ref. 253

An: 2017

Marca: Ocma

Matricola: 1871


Sto lotto el fa parte de:

Steel infrastructure production - Vehicles and sheet metal warehouse - Complete lot
Steel infrastructure production - Vehicles and sheet metal warehouse - Complete lot
Steel infrastructure production - Vehicles and sheet metal warehouse - Complete lot
Steel infrastructure production - Vehicles and sheet metal warehouse - Complete lot
CLoti in vendita in combinazion
27 Loti
Steel infrastructure production - Vehicles and sheet metal warehouse
Steel infrastructure production - Vehicles and sheet metal warehouse
Steel infrastructure production - Vehicles and sheet metal warehouse
27 Loti

Steel infrastructure production - Vehicles and sheet metal warehouse

Steel infrastructure production - Vehicles and sheet metal warehouse

Asta 11456

Tribunale de Vicenza - Fallo. n. 175/2019
Vendita n.2

mer 09/06/2021 ore 15:00

gio 10/06/2021 ore 15:01

Scheda Asta

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