Gestor delle Vendite Telematiche e Sito de Pubblicità autorizzà dal Ministero de la Giustizia

Ora del server gio 12/12/2024 ore 00:47 | Europe/Rome

Container with Work Equipment - A

Lotto 25

Asta n.11456

Edilizia > Containers

  • Container with Work Equipment - A 1
  • Container with Work Equipment - A 2
  • Container with Work Equipment - A 3
  • Container with Work Equipment - A 4
  • Container with Work Equipment - A 5
  • Container with Work Equipment - A 6
  • + foto
  • Descrision

n. 1 Container including work equipment

Full list in the annex


Sto lotto el fa parte de:

Steel infrastructure production - Vehicles and sheet metal warehouse - Complete lot
Steel infrastructure production - Vehicles and sheet metal warehouse - Complete lot
Steel infrastructure production - Vehicles and sheet metal warehouse - Complete lot
Steel infrastructure production - Vehicles and sheet metal warehouse - Complete lot
CLoti in vendita in combinazion
27 Loti
Steel infrastructure production - Vehicles and sheet metal warehouse
Steel infrastructure production - Vehicles and sheet metal warehouse
Steel infrastructure production - Vehicles and sheet metal warehouse
27 Loti

Steel infrastructure production - Vehicles and sheet metal warehouse

Steel infrastructure production - Vehicles and sheet metal warehouse

Asta 11456

Tribunale de Vicenza - Fallo. n. 175/2019
Vendita n.2

mer 09/06/2021 ore 15:00

gio 10/06/2021 ore 15:01

Scheda Asta

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Scheda del Lotto

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