Gestor delle Vendite Telematiche e Sito de Pubblicità autorizzà dal Ministero de la Giustizia

Ora del server sab 18/01/2025 ore 14:14 | Europe/Rome

Equipment and Work Machines

Lotto 2

Asta n.6580

Varie > Attrezzature da lavoro

  • Equipment and Work Machines  1
  • Equipment and Work Machines  2
  • Equipment and Work Machines  3
  • Equipment and Work Machines  4
  • Equipment and Work Machines  5
  • Equipment and Work Machines  6
  • + foto
  • Descrision

The lot includes:

n. 1 rothemberger pipecut 200 - ref. banks M
n. 1 x welder welding machine fever - ref. banks M
n. 1 drill / screwdriver cosmos 7690 - ref. banks M
n. 1 presskid presser press 2432 novopress - ref. banks M
n. 1 manual toycharge x regge proplene maestri - ref. banks M
n. 1 pipe cutter with ifit multilayer tube - ref. banks M
n. 1 welding machine for ubi random nseme8300 geco system - ref. banks M
n. 1 handwire chassis box with size / rothemberger stringitube - ref. banks M
n. 6 extinguishers - ref. M
n. 1 tagliatubi rothembergher portacut 185 - ref. entry M


Sto lotto el fa parte de:

Thermo-hydraulic Material Warehouse and Various Equipment
Thermo-hydraulic Material Warehouse and Various Equipment
Thermo-hydraulic Material Warehouse and Various Equipment
Thermo-hydraulic Material Warehouse and Various Equipment
CLoti in vendita in combinazion
5 Loti
Richiedi Informazioni Richiedi la visione
Plumbing and heating materials - Various equipment
Plumbing and heating materials - Various equipment
Plumbing and heating materials - Various equipment
5 Loti
Prezzi bassi
Offerta libera

Plumbing and heating materials - Various equipment

Plumbing and heating materials - Various equipment

Asta 6580

Tribunale de Genova - Fallo. n. 52/2017
Vendita n.6

mar 16/07/2019 ore 15:00

mar 17/09/2019 ore 15:20

Scheda Asta

Loti correlati

Lavasciuga Comac - A


Lavasciuga Comac - A

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Scheda del Lotto

Niscemi (CL) - Italy

Lavasciuga Comac - B


Lavasciuga Comac - B

Lotto 10|Asta 24852

Scheda del Lotto

Niscemi (CL) - Italy

Macchina Etichettatrice Cgm


N. 3 Idropulitrici


N. 3 Idropulitrici

Lotto 25|Asta 24852

Scheda del Lotto

Niscemi (CL) - Italy

Attrezzature par Imballaggio


Interfalde in Plastica e Nastro Adesivo


Tettoria e struttura metallica
CLoti in vendita in combinazion
2 Loti
Pesa a Ponte


Pesa a Ponte

Lotto 11|Asta 24853

Scheda del Lotto

Niscemi (CL) - Italy

Piattaforma mod. Bfp4


Piattaforma mod. Bfp4

Lotto 12|Asta 24853

Scheda del Lotto

Niscemi (CL) - Italy

N. 3 Carrelli Porta Reggetta


Idropulitrice a Vapore Cama


Attrezzature da Lavoro


Attrezzature da Lavoro

Lotto 23|Asta 24852

Scheda del Lotto

Niscemi (CL) - Italy

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