Gestor delle Vendite Telematiche e Sito de Pubblicità autorizzà dal Ministero de la Giustizia

Ora del server gio 12/12/2024 ore 09:51 | Europe/Rome

Shelves and Cantilever

Lotto 38

Asta n.4985

Logistica > Scaffalature

  • Shelves and Cantilever 1
  • Descrision

N. 1 Cantilever Module Composed Of Eight Uprights with Three Shelves;
N. 1 Cantilever Module Consisting Of Six Double-Sided Shelves Uprights;
N. 1 Cantilever Module Consisting of Four Uprights with Three Double-Sided Shelves;
N. 14 Large External Shelves


Sto lotto el fa parte de:

Business Unit - Mobile House Production
Business Unit - Mobile House Production
Business Unit - Mobile House Production
Business Unit - Mobile House Production
CLoti in vendita in combinazion
62 Loti
Richiedi Informazioni Richiedi la visione
Mobile homes production - Company transfer
Mobile homes production - Company transfer
Mobile homes production - Company transfer
62 Loti
Prezzi bassi
Offerta libera

Mobile homes production - Company transfer

Mobile homes production - Company transfer

Asta 4985

Tribunale de Firenze - Fallo. n. 218/2014
Vendita n.6

ven 12/04/2019 ore 16:30

gio 16/05/2019 ore 16:30

Scheda Asta

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Soppalchi, Scaffalature, Attrezzature e Materiale Vario
Soppalchi, Scaffalature, Attrezzature e Materiale Vario
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9 Loti
Scaffalature, Arredi e Attrezzature par Ufficio
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