Gestor delle Vendite Telematiche e Sito de Pubblicità autorizzà dal Ministero de la Giustizia

Ora del server mer 12/03/2025 ore 15:21 | Europe/Rome

Erfurt 1200 T Press

Lotto 17

Asta n.5091

Meccanica > Presse

  • Erfurt 1200 T Press 1
  • Erfurt 1200 T Press 2
  • Erfurt 1200 T Press 3
  • Erfurt 1200 T Press 4
  • Erfurt 1200 T Press 5
  • Erfurt 1200 T Press 6
  • + foto
  • Descrision

1200 TON with Table 4000 mm x 2800 - ref. D.17)

Note: revamping not performed
The press is disassembled and the machine is sold in the state in which it is located. The "traverse" of the press is by the supplier for revamping activities and is excluded from the sale (unless future agreements with the supplier)

Marca: Erfurt

Modelo: 1200 T


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