Gestor delle Vendite Telematiche e Sito de Pubblicità autorizzà dal Ministero de la Giustizia

Ora del server mar 11/03/2025 ore 00:08 | Europe/Rome

King Trailers DB 12-2 19.5 Trailer

Lotto 39

Asta n.8222

Trasporti > Rimorchi - Semirimorchi

  • King Trailers DB 12-2 19.5 Trailer 1
  • Descrision

Special purpose van assembled for kitchen use, autonomous on 4 columns adjusted in height with its own hydraulic electric system.
Inside there is the electrical system suitable for the intended use; the air conditioning is obtained with n. 2 splits equipped with heat pump
Originating from Great Britain, first registration in 1999 - rif. 39

For further information see the vehicle registration certificate and the certificate of property in the annex

An: 2011

Marca: King Trailers

Modelo: DB 12-2 19.5


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