Gestor delle Vendite Telematiche e Sito de Pubblicità autorizzà dal Ministero de la Giustizia

Ora del server dom 09/03/2025 ore 15:57 | Europe/Rome

Rolls of Fabric and Pallets

Lotto 2

Asta n.12448

Abbigliamento > Tessile e Confezione

  • Rolls of Fabric and Pallets 1
  • Rolls of Fabric and Pallets 2
  • Rolls of Fabric and Pallets 3
  • Rolls of Fabric and Pallets 4
  • Rolls of Fabric and Pallets 5
  • Rolls of Fabric and Pallets 6
  • + foto
  • Descrision

The lot includes:

n. 825 rolls h 150 cm for a total of 50,000 meters of cotton fabric, various colors and patterns - ref. 230
n. 57 rolls for a total of 6,000 meters of non-deformable fabric - ref. 231
n. 45 stackable pallets free uprights in sheet metal with boxed feet, measures 120x100 - ref. 138

The total quantities of the goods indicated could be subject to variation of +/- 5%


Lotto Sospeso par

Prezzo de riserva

Rilancio minimo € 1.000,00

Commission del Comprador 10,00 %

Deposito Cauzionale: € 3.000,00

Oneri accessori de gestione € 750,00

IVA sul lotto 22,00 %ndo che se pol


Richiedi Informazioni Richiedi la visione
Clothing trade and production - Machinery, materials and furnishings
Clothing trade and production - Machinery, materials and furnishings
Clothing trade and production - Machinery, materials and furnishings
22 Loti

Clothing trade and production - Machinery, materials and furnishings

Clothing trade and production - Machinery, materials and furnishings

Asta 12448

Tribunale de Padova - Fallo. n. 65/2021

ven 17/09/2021 ore 15:30

mar 26/10/2021 ore 15:49

Scheda Asta

Loti correlati

Manichino Stira Camicie e Pressa


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N. 7 Tavi da Lavoro
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N. 7 Tavi da Lavoro

Lotto 12|Asta 25291

Scheda del Lotto

Bassano del Grappa (VI) - Italy

Abbigliamento Vario Donna - N. 4.272 Capi
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Piumini e Cappotti Donna - N. 439 Capi
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Lotto de Fettucce, Zip, Bottoni, Rivetti, Catene e Accessori Vari
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Lotto de Appendiabiti
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Lotto de Appendiabiti

Lotto 5|Asta 25709

Scheda del Lotto

Mozzecane (VR) - Italy

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