Artisanal/industrial building in Argugnano (VI), via Galileo Galilei 2/1 - LOT 1
The building is registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Arcugnano at sheet 1:
Parcel 661 - Sub 20 - Category D/1 - Cadastral Rent € 9,201.00
Parcel 661 - Sub 32 - Category D/1 - Cadastral Rent € 180.00
The property is located in the production area well connected to the traffic arteries and has an exclusive outdoor area bordered by a fence.
The shed consists on the ground floor of a laboratory area, an office/reception, two other offices, bathrooms for the offices and bathrooms for the laboratory. On the first floor, which is accessed by a metal staircase, are an office, an archive, the changing room and shower area, a thermal power plant and a mezzanine of about 116.10 square meters have been created.
There is an Enel transformer substation for a share of ownership equal to 1182/2984.
Please note that there are cadastral discrepancies
It should be noted that the overdue condominium expenses are borne by the procedure (see chapter 7 of the appraisal)
For further information consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.
Superfície: 905,10
Mq Corte: 1248
Uffici: 133.4