Industrial building with courtyard in Oppeano (VR), via Crear 17, locality Villafontana
The building is registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Oppeano at sheet 26:
Parcel 182 - Sub 6 – Category D/7 – Cadastral Rent € 49.011,00
The property in question is developed on a total of two floors above ground and a basement, accessible by internal stairs and pedestrian ramps/carriageways (basement warehouse area), and is composed of a production laboratory area, storage area and an attached underground warehouse and office area, in addition to large appurtenant courtyard, for a surface of approximately 10,080 sqm.
It is noted that the property was the subject of theft and damage to the systems
For further information consult the appraisal and the attached documentation (LOT 1)
It is also possible to request further documentation at e-mail pec adress
Superfície: 10.080
Magazeno: 7920
Uffici: 690