Gestore delle Vendite Telematiche e Sito de Pubblicità autorizzato dal Ministero della Giustizia

Orario der server sab 11/01/2025 ore 18:58 | Europe/Rome

Rotating screen

Lotto 36

Asta n.19899

Movimento terra > Frantumazione - Vagliatura

  • Rotating screen 1
  • Rotating screen 2
  • Rotating screen 3
  • Rotating screen 4
  • Rotating screen 5
  • Rotating screen 6
  • + foto
All those interested in the purchase will be able to register for the auction until 03/11/2023 ore 15:00
  • Descrizzione

rotary screen Decca Impianti - ref. 54

The withdrawal can be scheduled only after the successful tenderer has sent the Safety Plan, indicating: short risk report, names of the personnel who will carry out the withdrawal, DURC.
possible assignment to 3rd parties:
In the safety plan of the successful tenderer, the company in charge of the withdrawal must be indicated with the Safety Plan and its DURC attached
All means of transport that enter must be approved. The Safety Plan and sub Safety Plan must indicate the approval of the vehicles.

Marca: Decca Impianti


Lotto Sospeso pe'

Prezzo de riserva

Rilancio minimo € 600,00

Commissione d'acquisto 10,00 %

Deposito Cauzionale: € 3.000,00

Oneri accessori pe' la gestione € 2.500,00

IVA pe' er lotto 22,00 %dove se pò


Chiedi 'nformazzioni Richiedi 'na visione
Ferrous material processing - Machinery and equipment
Ferrous material processing - Machinery and equipment
Ferrous material processing - Machinery and equipment
57 Lotti

Ferrous material processing - Machinery and equipment

Ferrous material processing - Machinery and equipment

Asta 19899

Tribunale de Trani - Autunno. n. 21/2022

ven 03/11/2023 ore 15:00

lun 13/11/2023 ore 16:51

Scheda Asta

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