Gestore delle Vendite Telematiche e Sito de Pubblicità autorizzato dal Ministero della Giustizia

Orario der server mer 11/12/2024 ore 16:33 | Europe/Rome

Work and Electrical Equipment

Lotto 3

Asta n.4693

Varie > Elettronica

  • Work and Electrical Equipment 1
  • Work and Electrical Equipment 2
  • Work and Electrical Equipment 3
  • Work and Electrical Equipment 4
  • Work and Electrical Equipment 5
  • Work and Electrical Equipment 6
  • + foto
  • Descrizzione

The lot includes:

n. 1 Three-phase tester for electrical losses according to CEI EN 60204-1 Marca SEAWARD / ASITA year 2004 - ref. 7
n. 2 amperometric clamps: one of the HT brand and one without the wording with tester functions. Both are estimated - ref. 8
n. 1 Digital multimeter with oscilloscope brand FLUKE type 190-196 year 2001 - ref. 9
n. 1 Drill hammer brand BOSCH type GBH2 / 24DFR, quite worn year 2011 - ref. 10
n. 1 Precision team brand BORLETTI type SG05 mm 630x400, out of production, in good condition year 2001 - ref. 11
n. 1 Square precision metal level with two bubbles mm250x250. Unidentified brand - ref. 12
n. 1 Steel element for tool holders for drills or lathes, unusable - ref. 13
n. 1 Welder brand Seleco type Genesi 134, model out of production, very worn, to be regenerated - ref. 14
Lifting crane chain elements that can not be used - ref. 15
n. 1 Corrugated cardboard box mm250x300x200, half-filled with small plastic cases containing electromechanical parts with no commercial value - ref. 16


Lotto Sospeso pe'

Prezzo de riserva

Rilancio minimo € 50,00

Commissione d'acquisto 10,00 %

Deposito Cauzionale: € 100,00

Oneri accessori pe' la gestione € 50,00

IVA pe' er lotto 22,00 %dove se pò


Chiedi 'nformazzioni Richiedi 'na visione
Computer and work equipment
Computer and work equipment
Computer and work equipment
4 Lotti

Computer and work equipment

Computer and work equipment

Asta 4693

Tribunale de Ancona - Autunno. n. 45/2017

lun 18/02/2019 ore 16:00

mar 19/03/2019 ore 16:00

Scheda Asta

Lotti correlati

Quote Partecipazione - SES Werkzeugbau Schwerin GmbH


Attrezzatura da Lavoro
Fai na' offerta


Lotto de Prodotti Finiti e Semilavorati
Fai na' offerta


Cibi pe' Animali
Fai na' offerta


Cibi pe' Animali

Lotto 1|Asta 9619

Scheda der Lotto

Ancona (AN) - Italy

Marchio Gherardi
Fai na' offerta


Marchio Gherardi

Lotto 1|Asta 14562

Scheda der Lotto

Monte Roberto (AN) - Italy

Blindosbarra Zucchini
Fai na' offerta


Blindosbarra Zucchini

Lotto 2|Asta 21376

Scheda der Lotto

Filottrano (AN) - Italy

N. 2 Pese Omega
Fai na' offerta


N. 2 Pese Omega

Lotto 13|Asta 24482

Scheda der Lotto

Castelfidardo (AN) - Italy

Fai na' offerta



Lotto 43|Asta 24587

Scheda der Lotto

Offida (AP) - Italy

Pompa de Calore Aermec ANL152HA
Fai na' offerta


Magazzino Materiale Elettrico


Magazzino Materiale Elettrico

Lotto 3|Asta 24921

Scheda der Lotto

Terranuova Bracciolini (AR) - Italy

Gruppo Elettrogeno Cama


Gruppo Elettrogeno Cama

Lotto 9|Asta 24853

Scheda der Lotto

Niscemi (CL) - Italy

Lotto de Lampade


Lotto de Lampade

Lotto 54|Asta 25257

Scheda der Lotto

Augusta (SR) - Italy

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