On sale commercial company, including commercial goodwill, located in Rome, Via
Cola di Rienzo n ° 200/202/204, Via Terenzio n ° 1/3/5 and Via Terenzio n ° 7, business operator
of bars, ice cream parlors, rotisseries and sausages, as best described and identified in
business branch lease agreement dated April 16, 2019, signed by Dr. Marco
Anellino, Notary in Rome, repertory 2904 and collection 2298, registered on 04/18/2019 at
6301 series 1T, signed between CDR 200 Srl and the lessee Consualia 1313 Srl
simplified. It is therefore acknowledged that the aforementioned commercial company will be sold in
state of law and fact in which it is located, occupied by the aforementioned tenant, vis-à-vis the
which the curatorship has communicated the termination of the rental contract which is attached sub "A" to
these sales regulations.
b) movable assets relating to the aforementioned commercial company, as identified in
company lease contract sub "A", as well as in the inventory made by the curator and that yes
attach sub "B"
For further information see the Sales Regulations in the annex and the Data Room
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Gestore delle Vendite Telematiche e Sito de Pubblicità autorizzato dal Ministero della Giustizia