Gestore delle Vendite Telematiche e Sito de Pubblicità autorizzato dal Ministero della Giustizia

Orario der server ven 14/03/2025 ore 17:51 | Europe/Rome

5,127,546 shares and n. 5 shares of a real estate fund

Lotto 1

Annuncio n.15120

Varie > Assets Finanziari

  • 5,127,546 shares and n. 5 shares of a real estate fund 1
  • Descrizzione
Lot including:
a) 5,127,546 shares of a financial investment holding company
b) n. 5 units of Class A of a Closed-End Reserved Real Estate Mutual Investment Fund
For further information see the additional documentation in the annex

It is also noted that a specific Data Room is available for consultation of further documentation on goods object of sale, which will be accessible once attached Privacy Agreement is signed and sent at e-mail PEC address


Lotto Sospeso pe'

Commissione d'acquisto 1,00 %


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