Gestore delle Vendite Telematiche e Sito di Pubblicità autorizzato dal Ministero della Giustizia

Orariu d'u server dom 09/03/2025 ure 03:02 | Europe/Rome

Credit Rights of Real Club Deportivo A Coruña SAD

Lottu 1

Asta n.11418

Varie > Assets Finanziari

  • Credit Rights of Real Club Deportivo A Coruña SAD  1
  • Descrizzione

CREDIT RIGHT AGAINST RC DEPORTIVO A CORUÑA SAD, deriving from the sentence to cover 50% of the insolvency deficit of the liquidation of the bankrupt EDICIONES DEPORTIVAS GALLEGAS SLU, which has the character of subordinated debt in the RC DEPORTIVO DA A CORUÑA SAD, and subject the payment schedule agreed in the contract of the creditors of that entity, the clauses of which state that the auctioned loan must be paid between 2034 and 2049. The nominal value of the loan is equal to 758,181.35 euros. the 33% reduction established in the creditors' agreement, which would therefore remain at € 507,981.50, so it is understood that the current value of the loan would amount to € 240,960.62, which is the appraisal value this lot


Lotto Suspeso pe

prezze stime € 240.960,62

Prezze de riserva

Rilancio minimu € 1.000,00

Commissione d'uacquirente 5,00 %

Depositu Cauzionale: € 12.048,00

Prezzi indicati oltre IVA e oneri comu pe legge


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