Gestore delle Vendite Telematiche e Sito di Pubblicità autorizzato dal Ministero della Giustizia

Orariu d'u server mer 15/01/2025 ure 16:19 | Europe/Rome

Business Unit - Alcoholic, Soft Drinks and Beverage Trading Sector

Lottu 1

Asta n.14472

Varie > Ramo d'azienda

  • Business Unit - Alcoholic, Soft Drinks and Beverage Trading Sector 1
  • Descrizzione

Business Unit - Alcoholic, Soft Drinks and Beverage Trading Sector

Company specializing in the sale and wholesale of alcoholic beverages, soft drinks and beverages in general.

The sale includes:

- movable assets such as office furniture and electronics, vehicles, equipment, shelving and fittings, systems and elements for systems deposited with third parties.
- no. 01 employment contract that will still be employed by the bankrupt at the date of the transfer.

The company is currently rented


Lotto Suspeso pe

Prezze de riserva

Rilancio minimu € 1.000,00

Commissione d'uacquirente 1,00 %

Depositu Cauzionale: € 4.000,00


Richiedi 'nformazioni Richiedi a visione
Business Unit - Alcoholic, Soft Drinks and Beverage Trading Sector
1 Lotte

Business Unit - Alcoholic, Soft Drinks and Beverage Trading Sector

Business Unit - Alcoholic, Soft Drinks and Beverage Trading Sector

Asta 14472

Tribunale de Vicenza - Autunno. n. 56/2020

ven 08/04/2022 ure 15:00

gio 12/05/2022 ure 15:00

Scheda Asta

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