Gestore delle Vendite Telematiche e Sito di Pubblicità autorizzato dal Ministero della Giustizia

Orariu d'u server gio 13/03/2025 ure 07:23 | Europe/Rome

Conveyor Belts, Brick Maker, Screw and Roller Conveyor

Lottu 9

Asta n.20745

Edilizia > Industria Edile

  • Conveyor Belts, Brick Maker, Screw and Roller Conveyor 1
  • Conveyor Belts, Brick Maker, Screw and Roller Conveyor 2
  • Conveyor Belts, Brick Maker, Screw and Roller Conveyor 3
  • Conveyor Belts, Brick Maker, Screw and Roller Conveyor 4
  • Conveyor Belts, Brick Maker, Screw and Roller Conveyor 5
  • Conveyor Belts, Brick Maker, Screw and Roller Conveyor 6
  • + fotografie
  • Descrizzione

The lot includes:

n. 1 LATERFORNI conveyor year 1987, n. 1 oblique + straight conveyor belt with a length of about 110 meters, n. 1 horizontal conveyor belt with a length of about 15 meters, n. 1 brick maker with metal structure, cannibalized brick kneading panel/inverter, n. 1 oblique auger with a length of about 8 meters, n. 1 roller conveyor with cutter for bricks (all to be used as spare parts) - ref. 6


Lotto Suspeso pe

Prezze de riserva

Rilancio minimu € 150,00

Commissione d'uacquirente 10,00 %

Depositu Cauzionale: € 1.500,00

Oneri accessori pe' la gestione € 750,00

IVA sule lott 22,00 %addò è applicabile


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