Gestore de le Vendite Telematiche e Sito de Pubblicità autorizzato dal Ministero de la Giustizia

Orariu dal server mer 11/12/2024 ore 20:28 | Europe/Rome

Furniture and Equipment for Footwear and Leather

Lotto 3

Asta n.12802

Abbigliamento > Calzature e Pelletteria

  • Furniture and Equipment for Footwear and Leather 1
  • Furniture and Equipment for Footwear and Leather 2
  • Furniture and Equipment for Footwear and Leather 3
  • Furniture and Equipment for Footwear and Leather 4
  • Furniture and Equipment for Footwear and Leather 5
  • Furniture and Equipment for Footwear and Leather 6
  • + fotò
  • Descrizzione

The lot includes:

n. 21 4-seater iron baskets containing shapes for footwear - ref. 1
n. 30 plastic baskets - ref. 2
n. 3 shelves with 4 shelves - ref. 3
n. 15 shelves for soles - ref. 4
n. 1 aluminum ladder - ref. 5
n. 4 trolleys on wheels - ref. 6
n. 2 work tables with 2 shelves - ref.
n. 1 shelving with 3 shelves with 7 uprights (mt. 9x0,80x2) - ref. 7
n. unknown quantity of bottoms and insoles - ref. 9
n. 100 boxes for packing - ref. 11
n. 5 shelves with 4 shelves (m.1x1x2,40)
n. 1 shelf with 4 shelves and 2 uprights (1.50x0.60x2.40 m) - ref. 14
n. 1 leather trolley - ref. 15
n. 1 trolley for uppers - ref. 16
n. 1 iron chest of drawers with 30 drawers for accessories - ref. 17
n. 2 quintals of steel dies - ref. 18
n. 1 shelf with 3 shelves and 5 uprights (m.6x0,80x2) - ref. 19
n. 1 TIM modem - ref. 20
n. 1 steel dies for mechanical cutting of shoe parts (approx. 50 kg) - ref. 21
n. 2 aluminum molds for injection of thermoplastic primers (approx. 55 kg) - ref. 22


Lotto Sospes pe'

Prezzo de riserva

Rilancio minimu € 25,00

Commissione d'u compratore 10,00 %

Deposito Cauzionale: € 50,00

Oneri accessori de gestione € 100,00

IVA su lu lotto 22,00 %dove se pò


Richiedi 'nformaziò Richiedi la visione
Footwear - materials and equipment
3 Lòtti

Footwear - materials and equipment

Footwear - materials and equipment

Asta 12802

Tribunale de Fermo - Caduta. n. 15/2019
Vende n.5

mar 19/10/2021 ore 16:30

mar 23/11/2021 ore 16:30

Scheda Asta

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Scheda Lotto

Offida (AP) - Italy

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