The lot includes:
n. 1 trolley with POWR-GRIP glass lifter with six suction cups, equipped with case with radio control and battery charger (to be used as spare parts) - ref. X15
n. 1 double glass holder trolley - ref. X75
n. 1 suction cup POWR-GRIP, capacity 320 kg (to be used as spare parts) - ref. X5
n. 1 hydraulic plate lifter (to be used as spare parts) - ref. X7
n. 1 glass clamp - ref. X13
n. 1 trolley with POWR-GRIP six suction cup glass lifter (to be used as spare parts) - ref. X23
n. 1 glass clamp BOTTERO, Mod. E750, matr. 1209-78, capacity 1000 kg (to be used as spare parts) - ref. X14
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