Gestore de le Vendite Telematiche e Sito de Pubblicità autorizzato dal Ministero de la Giustizia

Orariu dal server lun 06/01/2025 ore 23:45 | Europe/Rome

Warehouse for Cosmetics Products and Logistics Equipment

Lotto 2

Asta n.13573

Varie > Stock Prodotti e Materie Prime

  • Warehouse for Cosmetics Products and Logistics Equipment 1
  • Warehouse for Cosmetics Products and Logistics Equipment 2
  • Warehouse for Cosmetics Products and Logistics Equipment 3
  • Warehouse for Cosmetics Products and Logistics Equipment 4
  • Warehouse for Cosmetics Products and Logistics Equipment 5
  • Warehouse for Cosmetics Products and Logistics Equipment 6
  • + fotò
  • Descrizzione

The lot includes:

n. 25 platforms - ref. 2
n. 7 exhibitors of different colors - ref. 6
n. 2 long trolleys - ref. 10
n. 20 wooden panels - ref. 12
n. 3 display cabinets - ref. 14
inventories - ref. 16
goods in the shop - ref. 17

- some products have an expiration date that has passed -

Full list of warehouse and store in the annex


Stò lotto fa parte de:

Cosmetics, Furniture and FIAT 600
CLotti in vendita in cumminazione
3 Lòtti
Richiedi 'nformaziò Richiedi la visione
Cosmetics and office products - FIAT 600
Cosmetics and office products - FIAT 600
Cosmetics and office products - FIAT 600
3 Lòtti

Cosmetics and office products - FIAT 600

Cosmetics and office products - FIAT 600

Asta 13573

Tribunale de Bari - Caduta. n. 68/2021

gio 17/02/2022 ore 17:00

lun 28/02/2022 ore 17:00

Scheda Asta

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