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Orariu dal server dom 09/03/2025 ore 02:51 | Europe/Rome

Deko Mondial Oven And 5 Metal Cabinets

Lotto 15

Asta n.19267

Alimentare e ristorazione > Cottura dei cibi

  • Deko Mondial Oven And 5 Metal Cabinets 1
  • Deko Mondial Oven And 5 Metal Cabinets 2
  • Deko Mondial Oven And 5 Metal Cabinets 3
  • Deko Mondial Oven And 5 Metal Cabinets 4
  • Deko Mondial Oven And 5 Metal Cabinets 5
  • Deko Mondial Oven And 5 Metal Cabinets 6
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Electric oven year 2017 Deko mundial brand Mondial Forni model 120200 and 5 metal cabinets for bread
For the withdrawal it is necessary bridge crane

Annu: 2017

Marche: Mondial Forni

Modèllo: 120200


Lotto Sospes pe'

prezzo de stima € 15.500,00

Rilancio minimu € 250,00

Commissione d'u compratore 10,00 %

Deposito Cauzionale: € 500,00

IVA su lu lotto 21,00 %dove se pò


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