Upravljalec spletnih dražb in oglaševalsko spletno mesto, pooblaščeno s strani Ministrstva za pravosodje

Čas strežnika Sun 19/01/2025 ure 07:33 | Europe/Rome

Moisture Meter and Office Equipment

Loto 26

dražba n.5259

Rôzne > Delovna oprema

  • Moisture Meter and Office Equipment 1
  • Moisture Meter and Office Equipment 2
  • Moisture Meter and Office Equipment 3
  • Moisture Meter and Office Equipment 4
  • Moisture Meter and Office Equipment 5
  • Opis

n. 1 instrument for measuring damp masses MATEST, n. 1 sieve with various screens SIEVE TRONIC Mod. YGM15418 series YGM15418 / ZG / 0187, n. 1 MATEST stove, n. 1 microwave CAT, n. 2 old computers, n. 1 cathode ray tube monitor, n. 1 HP Laserjet printer, no. 1 barcode reader KRAUN - ref. 122


Ta serija je del

Combination of Plants and Machinery for Concrete Prefabricatio
Combination of Plants and Machinery for Concrete Prefabricatio
Combination of Plants and Machinery for Concrete Prefabricatio
Combination of Plants and Machinery for Concrete Prefabricatio
CLote v prodaji v kombinaciji
44 Licitacije
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Prefabricated concrete - Plants and machinery
Prefabricated concrete - Plants and machinery
Prefabricated concrete - Plants and machinery
44 Licitacije

Prefabricated concrete - Plants and machinery

Prefabricated concrete - Plants and machinery

dražba 5259

Okrožno sodišče Vicenza - C.P. n. 12/2016

Mon 09/09/2019 ure 15:00

Thu 10/10/2019 ure 15:00

Karta Aukcie

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Skupina pre vyrovnávanie Trendfin RAM 4200


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Zariadenia na balenie pre mliečnu výrobu


Kabina za barvanje in pokrivalo
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CLote v prodaji v kombinaciji
2 Licitacije
Elektronska oprema
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Električna napeljava in vodni mehčalec
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Pohištvo in oprema za delo in stiskalnica
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Workbenches, Stools and Chairs
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Č. 3 Nýtovače a Rôzne Nástroje
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Pracovné Nástroje
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Loto 16|dražba 24269

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Mozzecane (VR) - Italy

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