Upravljalec spletnih dražb in oglaševalsko spletno mesto, pooblaščeno s strani Ministrstva za pravosodje

Čas strežnika Fri 26/07/2024 ure 02:20 | Europe/Rome

Suction System - A

Loto 9

dražba n.13280

Rôzne > Úprava vzduchu - Kvapaliny

  • Suction System - A 1
  • Suction System - A 2
  • Suction System - A 3
  • Opis

The lot includes:

n. 2 Agustin Comandran 7.5 K + I fans - GEE motor Power 9.2Kw - Santa Lucia separator cyclone Type FM132MYA Includes all suction line with ducts

The automatic cleaning filter - Brand: Tecnivent - Model: JET-CART is not part of the lot.

Lot 9, included in combination 1, is awarded without the Tecnivent automatic cleaning filter, given that the asset is the subject of a leasing contract and is not the property of the procedure.

Ta serija je del

Machinery, Tools, Furniture - Metal Painting Sector
Machinery, Tools, Furniture - Metal Painting Sector
Machinery, Tools, Furniture - Metal Painting Sector
Machinery, Tools, Furniture - Metal Painting Sector
CLote v prodaji v kombinaciji
26 Licitacije
Zahtevaj informacije Zahtevaj ogled
Metalworking - Machinery and equipment
Metalworking - Machinery and equipment
Metalworking - Machinery and equipment
27 Licitacije
Znižane cene
Dražba na Gobid.es

Metalworking - Machinery and equipment

Metalworking - Machinery and equipment

dražba 13280

Okrožno sodišče Bilbao n.1
Predaj n.4

Fri 03/12/2021 ure 18:00

Fri 10/12/2021 ure 15:00

Karta Aukcie

Povezani sklopi

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Industrijska pralnica - Stroji in oprema


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Industrijska toplotna črpalka


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