Upravljalec spletnih dražb in oglaševalsko spletno mesto, pooblaščeno s strani Ministrstva za pravosodje

Čas strežnika Wed 11/12/2024 ure 10:58 | Europe/Rome

Office Furniture and Equipment - A

Loto 4

dražba n.11245

Nábytok a kancelária > Rôzne nábytok a vybavenie

  • Office Furniture and Equipment - A 1
  • Office Furniture and Equipment - A 2
  • Office Furniture and Equipment - A 3
  • Office Furniture and Equipment - A 4
  • Office Furniture and Equipment - A 5
  • Office Furniture and Equipment - A 6
  • + fotografia
  • Opis

The lot includes:

n. 1 covered chipboard desk, white color 120x70 h80 - ref. 1
n. 5 chromed metal armchair with black plastic coating - ref. 2
n. 1 armchair on wheels in plastic and blue fabric - ref. 3
n. 1 white metal shelving 4 shelves and 4 uprights 30x80 h180 - ref. 4
n. 1 blue metal shelving 2 shelves and 4 uprights 40x100 h100 - ref. 5
n. 1 pc lenovo with samsung 17 "" lcd screen - ref. 6
n. 1 table calculator - ref. 7
n. 1 wall hanger - ref. 8
n. 1 led desk lamp - ref. 9
n. 1 EPSON VUP45425 photocopier with photocopier cabinet - ref. 10
n. 1 desk with structure in gray painted iron section with wooden and glass top - ref. 11
n. 1 bookcase shelving with 4 uprights and three shelves 30x91 in chromed metal - ref. 12
n. 1 bookcase shelving with 4 uprights and five shelves 46x91 in chromed metal - ref. 13
n. 2 wall hanging bookcases in laminate covered in light color - ref. 14
n. 1 low cabinet with two sliding glass doors and a shelf dim 240x50x90 approximately - ref. 29
n. 1 plastic armchair on wheels and black fabric covering - ref. 30
n. 1 desk with structure in gray painted iron profile with wooden top and glass dim 180x80x80 - ref. 31
n. 1 chest of 3 drawers on wheels - ref. 32
n. 2 chromed metal armchair with black plastic coating - ref. 33
n. 1 laptop ACER with external 19 "" lcd screen keyboard and mouse - ref. 34
n. 1 telephone system consisting of a switchboard and three telephone stations and a cordless phone. Marca yeahlink - ref. 35

- some goods are dismantled -


Pozastavená aukcia za

cenovna ocena € 1.183,26

Cena rezerve

Najnižja ponudba € 25,00

Kupčeva premija 15,00 %

Varščina: € 200,00

Dodatni stroški upravljanja € 50,00

DDV na loteriji 22,00 %kjer je primerno


Zahtevaj informacije Zahtevaj ogled
Fixtures Production - Finished products and equipment
Fixtures Production - Finished products and equipment
Fixtures Production - Finished products and equipment
4 Licitacije
Ponudba prosta

Fixtures Production - Finished products and equipment

Fixtures Production - Finished products and equipment

dražba 11245

Okrožno sodišče Palermo - Padec. n. 100/2019
Predaj n.7

Thu 20/05/2021 ure 15:30

Mon 07/06/2021 ure 15:30

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