Upravljalec spletnih dražb in oglaševalsko spletno mesto, pooblaščeno s strani Ministrstva za pravosodje

Čas strežnika Thu 12/12/2024 ure 11:51 | Europe/Rome

Clothing and Shop Furniture - A

Loto 4

dražba n.12448

Oblačila > Textil a Odev

  • Clothing and Shop Furniture - A 1
  • Clothing and Shop Furniture - A 2
  • Clothing and Shop Furniture - A 3
  • Clothing and Shop Furniture - A 4
  • Clothing and Shop Furniture - A 5
  • Clothing and Shop Furniture - A 6
  • + fotografia
  • Opis

Clothing and furniture shop as described below:

N. 2752 items of clothing of which 1700 shirts and the remaining trousers, ties, sweaters and outerwear - ref. 265

The total quantities of the goods indicated could be subject to variation of +/- 5%

Shop furniture consisting of:
corner cash counter in white laminate, 39 modules of metal equipped wall with laminate shelves and hangers, wooden chest of drawers with 4 drawers, wooden display cabinet for ties with 5 drawers and various boxes, rectangular fir table closed at the sides and with shelf below, steel etagere with three plexiglass shelves, display cabinet for shirts, 98 pallets of various sizes, some with wheels, 20 various types of mannequins, two dressing rooms and two flower boxes - ref. 263

Electronic equipment consisting of:
Acer Veriton computer with keyboard and mouse monitor, RCH PRINT-FT40 fiscal meter, Revolution HT7000 banknote verification, cordless, Datalogic barcode reader, Olympia CPD 5212 calculator, Sony cd player, Brother MFC L2710DM printer - ref. 264


Pozastavená aukcia za

Cena rezerve

Najnižja ponudba € 250,00

Kupčeva premija 10,00 %

Varščina: € 1.000,00

Dodatni stroški upravljanja € 250,00

DDV na loteriji 22,00 %kjer je primerno


Zahtevaj informacije Zahtevaj ogled
Clothing trade and production - Machinery, materials and furnishings
Clothing trade and production - Machinery, materials and furnishings
Clothing trade and production - Machinery, materials and furnishings
22 Licitacije

Clothing trade and production - Machinery, materials and furnishings

Clothing trade and production - Machinery, materials and furnishings

dražba 12448

Okrožno sodišče Padova - Padec. n. 65/2021

Fri 17/09/2021 ure 15:30

Tue 26/10/2021 ure 15:49

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