Upravljalec spletnih dražb in oglaševalsko spletno mesto, pooblaščeno s strani Ministrstva za pravosodje

Čas strežnika Wed 12/03/2025 ure 13:01 | Europe/Rome

Various Restaurant Inventories

Loto 31

dražba n.13057

Nábytok a kancelária > Rôzne nábytok a vybavenie

  • Various Restaurant Inventories 1
  • Various Restaurant Inventories 2
  • Various Restaurant Inventories 3
  • Various Restaurant Inventories 4
  • Various Restaurant Inventories 5
  • Various Restaurant Inventories 6
  • + fotografia
  • Opis

The lot includes:

Circular luminous sign, stainless steel, methacrylate, vinyl, green neon
Invisible arm sheet mod. Mon splendor 400 - 2 units
Vinyl for windows and sign
Infrared terrace heater - 1 unit
stor foldable screen sarga 555 2940x1055
Pot 2,40x0,40x0,50 in sheet metal
10 mm terrace methacrylate sign with steel frame
Kitchen clothing

It could happen that some elements are not present. It is advisable to carry out a vision to verify the condition and quantities of the goods.


Pozastavená aukcia za

Cena rezerve

Najnižja ponudba € 50,00

Kupčeva premija 10,00 %

Varščina: € 500,00

Dodatni stroški upravljanja € 490,00

DDV na loteriji 21,00 %kjer je primerno


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