Upravljalec spletnih dražb in oglaševalsko spletno mesto, pooblaščeno s strani Ministrstva za pravosodje

Čas strežnika Sun 06/10/2024 ure 10:13 | Europe/Rome

Apartment with cellar in Bracciano (Roma) - SHARE 1/3


Nehnuteľnosti > Stanovanja in hiše

  • Apartment with cellar in Bracciano (Roma) - SHARE 1/3 1
  • Apartment with cellar in Bracciano (Roma) - SHARE 1/3 2
  • Apartment with cellar in Bracciano (Roma) - SHARE 1/3 3
  • Apartment with cellar in Bracciano (Roma) - SHARE 1/3 4
  • Apartment with cellar in Bracciano (Roma) - SHARE 1/3 5
  • Apartment with cellar in Bracciano (Roma) - SHARE 1/3 6
  • + fotografia
  • Opis

Apartment with cellar in Bracciano (Roma), Via Luigi Domenici 23 - SHARE 1/3

The buildings are registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Bracciano at sheet 20:

Parcel 201 – Sub 8 – Category A/2 – Class 2 - Consistency 5 compartments – Cadastral Rent € 490.63
Parcel 201 - Sub 4 - Category C/2 - Class 4 - Consistency 20 sqm - Cadastral Rent € 43.38

The apartment in question is located on the first floor of a larger building, accessed from the condominium staircase, and internally it is divided into a living room, kitchen, hallway, two bedrooms and a bathroom. There are three small balconies.
The cellar is located on the ground floor.

For further information consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.

Poslovna površina: 112

Površina: 100,60

Balkon: 11.95

Plocha pivnice: 30

Pianino: 1


Pozastavená aukcia za

Cena rezerve

Najnižja ponudba € 1.000,00

Kupčeva premija see specific terms

Varščina: € 2.100,00

DDV na loteriji 22,00 %kjer je primerno


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