Upravljalec spletnih dražb in oglaševalsko spletno mesto, pooblaščeno s strani Ministrstva za pravosodje

Čas strežnika Thu 12/12/2024 ure 09:38 | Europe/Rome

Lot of Sewing Machines

Loto 16

dražba n.3516

Oblačila > Šijacie Stroje

  • Lot of Sewing Machines 1
  • Lot of Sewing Machines 2
  • Lot of Sewing Machines 3
  • Lot of Sewing Machines 4
  • Lot of Sewing Machines 5
  • Lot of Sewing Machines 6
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  • Opis

Flat trimming machine Pfaff - serial: 8007576 - Ref. 40
point flat linear machine knotted transp. Agriffa Pfaff 1122 full support and motor - serial number: 6021009 - Ref. 41
Cylindrical arm machine Aug 1 triple feed Pfaff 335g, complete with support and motor - serial number: 7201664 - Ref. 42
triple knotted plain-point transport machine Pfaff 1245 full support and motor - serial number: 7201841 - Ref. 82
Cylindrical arm machine on August 1 triple feed Pfaff 335g, complete with support and motor - serial number: 2580373 - Ref. 83
flat machine thread cutter Pfaff - serial number: 8007578 - Ref. 84

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Machinery and Equipment for Mechanical Industry
Machinery and Equipment for Mechanical Industry
Machinery and Equipment for Mechanical Industry
Machinery and Equipment for Mechanical Industry
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16 Licitacije
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Mechanical industry - Machinery and equipment
Mechanical industry - Machinery and equipment
Mechanical industry - Machinery and equipment
16 Licitacije

Mechanical industry - Machinery and equipment

Mechanical industry - Machinery and equipment

dražba 3516

Okrožno sodišče Castrovillari - Padec. n. 9/2015
Predaj n.6

Wed 13/12/2017 ure 15:00

Thu 11/01/2018 ure 15:00

Karta Aukcie

Povezani sklopi

Žehliaca Stanica a Šijacie Stroje


Šijací stroj Durkopp Adler 271 140042


Stroj na prišívanie gombíkov Venus


Šijací stroj Rimoldi


Travettatrice Durkopp


Šijací stroj Simac SI 9870-MI AUT


Šijací stroj Columbia 516h2-56


Č. 5 Šijacie Stroje


Šivalni stroji
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CLote v prodaji v kombinaciji
2 Licitacije

Šivalni stroji

Kombinacija 3|dražba 4851

Loterijski list

Montegranaro (FM) - Italy

Ravnilo za šivanje
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Ravnilo za šivanje

Loto 55|dražba 4851

Loterijski list

Montegranaro (FM) - Italy

Pfaff šivalni stroj
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Pfaff šivalni stroj

Loto 56|dražba 4851

Loterijski list

Montegranaro (FM) - Italy

Šivalni stroj Juki MO-2516
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