Upravljalec spletnih dražb in spletno oglaševalno mesto, pooblaščeno s strani Ministrstva za pravosodje

Časovni pas Fri 14/03/2025 ure 10:40 | Europe/Rome

Peugeot Ranch

Loto 10

Oglas n.19412

Prevozi > Kombiji

  • Peugeot Ranch 1
  • Peugeot Ranch 2
  • Opis

Peugeot mod. Ranch van

engine size: 1868cc
power supply: 51 kW
year: 2001
engine supply: diesel - ref. 10

-keys available-

For further information see the vehicle registration certificate in the annex

Viewing is also recommended to evaluate the methods of collection (see photos published on the platform)

Vehicle Layout Diagram in the annex

- Viewing is recommended -

Definitive export abroad:
it should be noted that for the purposes of cancellation for export, on the date of the request, the vehicles must be in compliance with the inspection obligations as per current regulations.

Leto: 2001

Znamka: Peugeot

Model: Ranch


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