Upravljalec spletnih dražb in spletno oglaševalno mesto, pooblaščeno s strani Ministrstva za pravosodje

Časovni pas Fri 14/03/2025 ure 10:18 | Europe/Rome

Various vans and truks

Oglas n. 19412

Sodišče Caltanissetta - Padecati. n. 20/2020

Caltanissetta (CL) - Italy

Various vans and truks - Bank. 20/2020 - Caltanissetta L.C. - Interest Expression 2
Various vans and truks - Bank. 20/2020 - Caltanissetta L.C. - Interest Expression 2
Various vans and truks - Bank. 20/2020 - Caltanissetta L.C. - Interest Expression 2
14 Lote
Tue 12/09/2023 ure 17:00
  • Opis

Various vans and truks

Interest Expression

Bankruptcy n.20/2020 - Caltanissetta Law Court

Any registration related to preemption rights, registration of foreclosures and seizes, or any other tie falling on the lots on sale will be cancelled complying to art. 108 Bankruptcy Law (Legge Fallimentare) once the sale will be completed and the price will be fully collected. Any formalities for cancellation will be on buyer's expenses.

Any costs relating to the transfer of ownership, including any double passages and related charges, will be borne by the successful bidder

For further information consult lot webpages

Lots are sold as is. Viewing is reccomended.
  • Ogled:Su appuntamento - 05/09/2023
  • Izbriši vse filtre
  • 24
  • 36
  • 48

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