Upravljalec spletnih dražb in spletno oglaševalno mesto, pooblaščeno s strani Ministrstva za pravosodje

Časovni pas Thu 12/12/2024 ure 05:54 | Europe/Rome

Electrical and Ferrous Materials Warehouse

Loto 11

Ličenje n.12609

Različno > Zaloga Izdelkov in Surovin

  • Electrical and Ferrous Materials Warehouse 1
  • Electrical and Ferrous Materials Warehouse 2
  • Electrical and Ferrous Materials Warehouse 3
  • Electrical and Ferrous Materials Warehouse 4
  • Electrical and Ferrous Materials Warehouse 5
  • Electrical and Ferrous Materials Warehouse 6
  • + fotografija
  • Opis

The lot includes:

warehouse complete with about 30 meters of shelving, 4 work tables, plastic boxes, screws, bolts, fittings, electrical switches and equipment - ref. 24
lot of ferrous scrap scattered in the ground consisting of fixtures, iron beams, old machinery, manifolds, suction motors, flexible pipes - ref. 47
two large air filters - ref. 31
n. 2 racks for profiles complete with various iron profiles - ref. 13
n. 4 iron pipes of various diameters and lengths (about 6 m) - ref. 11
aluminum staircase - ref. 10
lot of wooden planks, light alloy fittings, skeins of cables and green plastic boxes - ref. 14

- The assets are located in a site with vegetation as per attached photos. Preventive viewing is recommended -


Lotto Vzdrževanje za

Cena rezerve

Najnižja ponudba € 50,00

Kupčeva premija 10,00 %

Depozitna varščina: € 500,00

Dodatni upravni stroški € 75,00

DDV na loteriji 22,00 %kjer je primerno


Zahtevaj informacije Zahtevaj ogled
Generators and containers - Vehicles and equipment
Generators and containers - Vehicles and equipment
Generators and containers - Vehicles and equipment
19 Lote

Generators and containers - Vehicles and equipment

Generators and containers - Vehicles and equipment

Ličenje 12609

Sodišče Verona - Padecati. n. 52/2020

Tue 19/10/2021 ure 15:30

Fri 26/11/2021 ure 15:48

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