Apartament and cellar in San Giorgio Bigarello (MN), Via Fossamana 39 - LOT 2
The buildings are registered at Real Estate Registry of City of San Giorgio Bigarello at sheet 8:
Parcel 5 - Sub 13 - Category A/3 - Class 1 - Consistency 7 compartments - Cadastral Rent € 187.99
Parcel 13 - Sub 12
The apartment in question is located on the second floor of a larger building.
Access is from the condominium staircase and is internally divided into a living room, kitchen, hallway, three bedrooms and a bathroom. The attic floor can be used by all units.
The cellar is located in an adjacent single-storey building.
Please note that are city planner discrepancies.
It is noted that the furniture inside the property is included in the sale.
For further information consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.
Yta: 115,30
Balkong: 2.97
Kvadratmeter Källare: 5
Plan: T-2