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Ora server Sun 09/03/2025 ore 03:38 | Europe/Rome

N. 183 Men's Jackets and Various Fabrics

Lot 4

Licitare n.12252

Îmbrăcăminte > Țesături și Confecții

  • N. 183 Men's Jackets and Various Fabrics 1
  • N. 183 Men's Jackets and Various Fabrics 2
  • N. 183 Men's Jackets and Various Fabrics 3
  • N. 183 Men's Jackets and Various Fabrics 4
  • N. 183 Men's Jackets and Various Fabrics 5
  • N. 183 Men's Jackets and Various Fabrics 6
  • + fotografie
  • Descriere

The lot includes:

n. 183 men's jackets various fabrics
n. 24 pieces of wool fabric for a total of approx. 1200 meters.
n. 32 pieces of 100% viscose lining for a total of approx. 1500 meters.
n. 101 pieces of wool fabric for a total of approx. 3000 meters.
n. 55 pieces of cotton for a total of approx. 1400 meters.
n. 3200 approx. shoulder pads
n. 800 ca. rollini


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