The lot includes:
n. 130 kg of various types of leather - ref. 1
n. 155 kg of synthetic materials - ref. 2
n. 209 pairs of various types of footwear - ref. 3
n. 200 kg of unpaired footwear - ref. 4
n. 56 pairs of various types of footwear - ref. 5
n. 170 kg of various types of leather - ref. 6
n. 320 kg approx. Boxes (packing cartons) - ref. 7
n. 210 kg of fusbet, insoles, various components - ref. 8
n. 490 kg of shoe shapes - ref. 9
n. 220 kg of synthetic materials - ref. 10
n. 900 kg of various types of funds - ref. 11
n. 190 kg of strings, buttress reinforcements, various components - ref. 12
n. 190 kg of hollow punches - ref. 13
n. About 230 kg of shoe shapes - ref. 14
Ora server Sat 14/12/2024 ore 13:36 | Europe/Rome
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