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Ora server Wed 12/03/2025 ore 12:13 | Europe/Rome

Apartment and parking spaces in Gran Marina building in Almería - Spain

Licitare n. 20706

Tribunalul de Almeria


Apartment and parking spaces in Gran Marina building in Almería - Spain - Law Court N.2 of Almeria
13 Loturi
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Mon 27/11/2023 ore 12:00
Fri 22/12/2023 ore 12:23
  • Descriere

Apartment and parking spaces in Gran Marina building in Almería - Spain

Law Court N. 2 of Almería

For sale an apartment of 149 sqm and 12 parking spaces located on Dolores Ibarruri street n.5, Almería.

The properties are located in a highly valued area of Almería, near the port and the beach.

The apartment is rented with a current rental contract. It is sold with the rental contract and cannot be visited.

The sale of the goods will be carried out in accordance with the situation in which they are found, both in terms of their physical configuration and their legal replacement.

Furthermore, whoever submits an offer does so by accepting the current registration and urban planning conditions.

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