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Hora do servidor Wed 12/03/2025 horas 10:18 | Europe/Rome

Woodworking - Machinery and semi-finished products

Leilão n. 9491

Tribunal de A Coruna
Venda n.2

Cerdido - Spain

Woodworking - Machinery and semi-finished products - Bank. 308/2015-J - La Coruña Law Court n. 2 - Sale 2
Woodworking - Machinery and semi-finished products - Bank. 308/2015-J - La Coruña Law Court n. 2 - Sale 2
Woodworking - Machinery and semi-finished products - Bank. 308/2015-J - La Coruña Law Court n. 2 - Sale 2
2 Lotes
Desconto -100%
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Asta immobiliare su
Tue 10/11/2020 horas 12:00
Thu 10/12/2020 horas 12:19
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Woodworking - Machinery and semi-finished products

Bankruptcy n. 308/2015-J - La Coruña Law Court n. 2


On sale block of woodworking machinery and batch of semi-finished products such as skirting boards and frames

For further information consult lot webpages
Lots are sold as is. Viewing is reccomended.
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