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Hora do servidor Mon 13/01/2025 horas 10:36 | Europe/Rome

Work Tables

Lote 33

Leilão n.9910

Vários > Equipamento de trabalho

  • Work Tables 1
  • Work Tables 2
  • Work Tables 3
  • Work Tables 4
  • Work Tables 5
  • Work Tables 6
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The lot includes:

n. 1 metal table with two floors in chipboard with boxes with various tips and cups, n. 1 metal table with two floors in chipboard with hinges and various hardware, n. 1 toolbox with keys and various equipment - ref. X40
n. 1 wheeled gasket holder structure with various gaskets - ref. X98
n. 1 table dim. 400x300 cm with safety harness, n. 1 box with handles, various helmets - ref. X83
n. 1 assembly table dim. 300x400 cm, headphones and various bubbles - ref. X84
n. 1 metal table with two clamps, n. 18 terminals of various types - ref. X128
n. 1 self-built light table - ref. X141
n. 1 metal work table with a drawer, vice and wheel (to be scrapped), n. 1 box with various cutters - ref. X81
n. 1 metal work table with drawer, vice and chest of drawers with two drawers - ref. X80
n. 1 metal table with three drawers, vice and top unit - ref. X92
n. 1 table with drawer and vice, n. 1 screw box - ref. X97
n. 1 trolley table with two floors, n. 2 tool boxes - ref. X85
n. 1 trolley table with drawers and top unit - ref. X82
n. 1 wheeled table - ref. X119
n. 1 wheeled table - ref. X121
n. 2 wheeled tables - ref. X151


Lote Pendente para

Preço de reserva

Lance mínima € 50,00

Prêmio do comprador 10,00 %

Depósito de Caução: € 1.000,00

Taxas acessórias de gestão € 75,00

IVA sobre o lote 22,00 %onde aplicável


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Fixtures production - Machinery and equipment
Fixtures production - Machinery and equipment
Fixtures production - Machinery and equipment
41 Lotes

Fixtures production - Machinery and equipment

Fixtures production - Machinery and equipment

Leilão 9910

Tribunal de Vicenza - Bankr. n. 52/2020

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Wed 17/02/2021 horas 15:46

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