The lot includes: forklift brand LUGLI 405 - engine room - frame number 5322291153 year 1992 - ref. 26 forklift brand LUGLI 405 - frame number 532209764 year 1990 - square, has broken front wheel reducer and rear wheels to be mounted. Damage resulting from attempted theft - ref. 27 forklift brand LUGLI L50 in red color - frame number 511371333 year 1983 - ref. 28 forklift brand LUGLI L50 in yellow - frame number 510628970 year 1982 - ref. 29 n. 1 bucket for hydraulic forklift - ref. 30 n. 3 forks to take brick pack for forklift, two of which for perforated and one for slab blocks - ref. 110 n. 1 hydraulic shovel having the dimensions of 2 x 1 x 1 meters - ref. 111
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