On sale nominal receivables from customers for a total amount of € 277,132.42., recorded in the financial statements of a company in bankruptcy which ended its commercial activity at the beginning of 2018.
These credits are organized as follows:
- a first group of credits - for the amount of € 95,000.00 - refer to companies that no longer exist or have gone bankrupt and, in any case, are already prescribed on the date of the bankruptcy;
- a second set of receivables, accrued up to 2011, for the amount of €97,000.00, had been transferred to a debt collection company which, following unsuccessful attempts, returned them to the bankrupt company;
- a third group of receivables, for a value of € 85,000.00, had been assigned to a debt collection company without the latter starting the recovery, both due to excessive charges and due to the nature of the debtors, already bankrupt or peacefully insolvent.
The VAT portion of these credits has already been offset by the bankrupt company
The list of credits can be requested at gobid@pec.it
Czas serwera Sat 09/11/2024 godziny 07:55 | Europe/Rome
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Operator Sprzedaży Elektronicznej i Strona Reklamowa autoryzowana przez Ministerstwo Sprawiedliwości