Operator Sprzedaży Elektronicznej i Strona Reklamowa autoryzowana przez Ministerstwo Sprawiedliwości

Czas serwera Wed 03/07/2024 godziny 09:28 | Europe/Rome

Industrial area in Malo (VI) adjacent to the SPV exit


Nieruchomości > Nieruchomości Przemysłowe

  • Industrial area in Malo (VI) adjacent to the SPV exit 1
  • Industrial area in Malo (VI) adjacent to the SPV exit 2
  • Industrial area in Malo (VI) adjacent to the SPV exit 3
  • Industrial area in Malo (VI) adjacent to the SPV exit 4
  • Industrial area in Malo (VI) adjacent to the SPV exit 5
  • Industrial area in Malo (VI) adjacent to the SPV exit 6
  • + zdjęcie
  • Opis

The complex covers a gross area of about 70,000 square meters, is located in the production area and consists of a dilapidated factory and shed - to be demolished except for the conservation constraint relating to the chimney and the office building - and exclusive uncovered entrance, parking, deposit of materials and lands and green area.

The industrial complex is situated in Malo (VI), via Vicenza 59, Locality San Tomio

The building is registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Malo at sheet 27:

Parcel 83 - Category D/1 - Cadastral Rent € 77,396.00

The main neighboring public connections are: SPV Pedemontana entrance (0.2 km) and new toll booth (1 km), Thiene A31 motorway toll booth (10 km), Malo center (3 km) and Isola Vicentina (2 km), where the main public services.

A proposal was presented to the Municipality of Malo a proposal to modify the "constraint" that reserves the area for furnace activities. For more information in this regard, it is advisable to contact the competent municipal offices.

The initial estimate value of Euro 5,757,000 is to be understood gross of demolition costs.

Please note the presence of cadastral discrepancies.

For further information consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.
  • Załączniki (5)


Lotto Zawieszony dla

Cena minimalna

Minimalna podwyżka € 50.000,00

Prowizja kupującego see specific terms

Depozyt kaucyjny: € 190.000,00

VAT na partii 22,00 %gdzie to ma zastosowanie


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