Flat trimming machine Pfaff - serial: 8007576 - Ref. 40
point flat linear machine knotted transp. Agriffa Pfaff 1122 full support and motor - serial number: 6021009 - Ref. 41
Cylindrical arm machine Aug 1 triple feed Pfaff 335g, complete with support and motor - serial number: 7201664 - Ref. 42
triple knotted plain-point transport machine Pfaff 1245 full support and motor - serial number: 7201841 - Ref. 82
Cylindrical arm machine on August 1 triple feed Pfaff 335g, complete with support and motor - serial number: 2580373 - Ref. 83
flat machine thread cutter Pfaff - serial number: 8007578 - Ref. 84
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