Nettauksjonsforvalter og reklameside godkjent av Justisdepartementet

Servertid Sun 09/03/2025 time 03:34 | Europe/Rome

Machinery and Equipment for Metal Fittings

Lodd 1

Auksjon n.7112

Mekanikk > Maskinverktøy

  • Machinery and Equipment for Metal Fittings 1
  • Machinery and Equipment for Metal Fittings 2
  • Machinery and Equipment for Metal Fittings 3
  • Machinery and Equipment for Metal Fittings 4
  • Machinery and Equipment for Metal Fittings 5
  • Machinery and Equipment for Metal Fittings 6
  • + bilde
  • Beskrivelse

Machinery and equipment for the production of fittings for heating

Lot including machinery, lifting equipment, work equipment, forklifts, molds, furniture and office equipment

The goods are currently used will be released within 30 days from the date of the award report

Full list in the annex

Machinery and equipment for the production of fittings for heating
The goods are currently used and are released within 30 days from the date of the award report


Utsatt parti for


Minimum bud € 1.000,00

Kjøpers premie 10,00 %

Sikkerhetsinnskudd: € 5.000,00

Tilleggsgebyrer for administrasjon € 1.000,00

MVA på lotteri 22,00 %hvor det er relevant


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