Nettauksjonsforvalter og reklameside godkjent av Justisdepartementet

Servertid Sun 09/03/2025 time 15:59 | Europe/Rome

Metal carpentry - Machinery, tools and inventory

Auksjon n. 10783

Tingrett Pontevedra
Salg n.2

Moraña - Spain

Metal carpentry - Machinery, tools and inventory - Merc. Court No. 2 of Pontevedra - Sale 2
Metal carpentry - Machinery, tools and inventory - Merc. Court No. 2 of Pontevedra - Sale 2
Metal carpentry - Machinery, tools and inventory - Merc. Court No. 2 of Pontevedra - Sale 2
16 Lodd
Rabatt -100%
Asta immobiliare su
Asta immobiliare su
Wed 31/03/2021 time 16:00
Wed 21/04/2021 time 17:58
  • Beskrivelse

Metal carpentry - Machinery, tools and inventory

Necessary Contest No. 387/2019 - Mercantile Court No. 2 of Pontevedra

Auction Without Minimum Price 

Machinery, tools for the metal carpentry sector such as welders and also inventory are for sale.

For more information, consult the sheet of each lot. 
The lots are delivered in the condition they are in and without any type of guarantee after the sale. It is recommended to visit the lots for sale.
  • Visning:By appointment
  • Sikkerhetsinnskudd:EUR 600,00
  • Slett alle filtre
  • 24
  • 36
  • 48

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