Nettauksjonsforvalter og reklameside godkjent av Justisdepartementet

Servertid Mon 10/03/2025 time 03:43 | Europe/Rome

Bed with Mattress - Quilt and Pillows

Lodd 21

Auksjon n.10914

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  • Bed with Mattress - Quilt and Pillows 1
  • Bed with Mattress - Quilt and Pillows 2
  • Bed with Mattress - Quilt and Pillows 3
  • Bed with Mattress - Quilt and Pillows 4
  • Bed with Mattress - Quilt and Pillows 5
  • Bed with Mattress - Quilt and Pillows 6
  • + bilde
  • Beskrivelse

The lot includes:

n. 1 walnut display cabinet brand: smania measures: 2,20x2,22x170
n. 1 fouton sofa brand: maestro rafael mod. ma0010752011 measures: 2.70x2.70
n. 1 ties for console brand: dorwin measures: 150x1,90x50
n. 2 bed in leather and silk brand: maestro rafael mod. riblon measures: 50x80
n. 2 gray quilt with silent ribbon flowers brand: maestro rafael mod. riblon measures: 45x45


Utsatt parti for

estimert pris € 2.542,40


Minimum bud € 50,00

Kjøpers premie 15,00 %

Sikkerhetsinnskudd: € 400,00

Tilleggsgebyrer for administrasjon € 75,00

MVA på lotteri 21,00 %hvor det er relevant


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