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Servertid Fri 14/03/2025 time 17:01 | Europe/Rome

Feathers, pastels, colored pens, Towards the Future - Montero

Lodd 81

Auksjon n.12410

Kunst og samling > Kunst

  • Feathers, pastels, colored pens, Towards the Future - Montero 1
  • Feathers, pastels, colored pens, Towards the Future - Montero 2
  • Feathers, pastels, colored pens, Towards the Future - Montero 3
  • Beskrivelse

Feathers, pastels, colored pens, Towards the Future - Montero

artist: Montero, Carlos.
dim. 41.9 x 59.5
state: excellent


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Minimum bud € 25,00

Kjøpers premie 12,00 %

Sikkerhetsinnskudd: € 100,00

Tilleggsgebyrer for administrasjon € 25,00

MVA på lotteri 21,00 %hvor det er relevant


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